Forfeit is a new (2023), hardcore app that takes your money if you don't complete your habits. You must send either photo or timelapse evidence, which they verify, or you lose money.
There are many integrations coming soon, such as friend verify, Apple Health, Strava, Anki, group forfeits, GPS check-ins.
It's a drastic measure, but Forfeit is a pretty much bulletproof way to force yourself to do whatever you want to do. If you set a Forfeit, you can't get out of it, so you can force your future self to listen to your current self.

Forfeit App Review
Forfeit for iOS scores a great 4.9 rating. See latest reviews.
Forfeit for Android scores an excellent 5.0 rating. See latest reviews.
Forfeit Pricing
Forfeit is a free to download app. To participate in the habit contracts, you have to link a debit/credit card, and only lose money if you fail the task.
Download Forfeit is a holistic habit and goals tracking app that doesn't stop just there. The free app is packed with features, but the starter templates deserve a special mention. These templates have structured advice, exercises and instructions to follow, prepared by coaches, which makes the journey for someone new to this easier.
Perhaps the most unique feature about the app is the in-built community. Not only can you ask questions about problems you're facing or feeling stuck at, but you can also share your progress and milestones with friends or community members and get high-fives from them, which serve as motivation and push you to keep going.
One additional aspect of the app is it gives you access to paid personal coaches, which might be just what you need in terms of personalized help, advice and extra accountability if things are a bit harder for you in the beginning. Review for iOS scores a good 4.3 rating. See latest reviews. for Android scores an average 3.8 rating. See latest reviews. Pricing is a completely free app. You can available personalized coaching separately for a fee but you don't need to pay for the app itself.
Streaks has a different approach than other habit tracker apps. It's less so a tracker and more a to-do list, with their core value proposition being to help you form good habits.
The app does this by having you list down the habits you want to inculcate as tasks in a to-do list. Each day when you perform the task, your streak increases.
Over a period of time, this would solidify the behaviour and therefore help you in incorporating new good habits into your life.

Streaks Habit App Review
Streaks for iOS scores an excellent 4.8 rating. See latest reviews.
Streaks for MacOS scores an impressive 4.7 rating. See latest reviews.
Must read: Streaks app review by The Sweet Setup.
Streaks Habit Tracker Pricing
Streaks is available as a paid app that costs $4.99.
Download Streaks Habit Tracker
If you're a fan of role playing games, how do you feel about turning your life into one?
With a unique approach to tracking habits that is heavily inspired by RPG games, Habitica's creators have definitely flexed their creativity while building this habit tracker app.
With Habitica, the actions and tasks you perform help you gain experience points and level up, just like in a game. You can use the app with friends to complete quests or missions.
Habitica is the app embodiment of turning your life into a video game. And honestly, that might turn out to be just what you need to have fun and stay motivated while you level yourself up, IRL.

Habitica Review
Habitica for iOS scores a good 4.0 rating. See latest reviews.
Habitica for Android scores a great 4.4 rating. See latest reviews.
Must read: A Review of the Habitica App by Emily Fox.
Habitica Pricing
Habitica is available as a free app and is supported by in-app purchases. You can buy gems starting $0.99 all the way to a 12 month subscription for $47.99.
Download Habitica
At first glance, you might notice that Habitshare sports an aging UI. However, don't let that take away focus from the app's core value proposition.
Habitshare is trying to make habit tracking social. The app lets you do that by sharing your habits with friends, who can then see your progress with your habits and stay updated.
The core assumption of the is that by sharing your goals and progress with habits with your friends, you increase accountability and therefore increase your chances of success.

Habitshare App Review
Habitshare for iOS scores a great 4.5 rating. See latest reviews.
Habitshare for Android scores a good 4.4 rating. See latest reviews.
Habitshare Pricing
Habitshare is a completely free app.
Download Habitshare
Momentum is a beautiful and simple habit tracker app built exclusively for Apple devices.
The core principle behind the app's design is based on Jerry Seinfield's productivity secret, which is - Don't break the chain. Each day you lengthen the chain, you make it more likely for you to stick to your habit and therefore less likely to stray from the path.
With an extremely simple and minimal UI, you can you glance all your habits in a second. Thanks to deep iOS and Watch OS embeds, you can check off a habit with one tap from the home screen or notifications shade.

Momentum Habit Tracker Review
Momentum for iOS scores a good 4.2 rating. See latest reviews.
Momentum for MacOS scores a good 4.1 rating. See latest reviews.
Must read: Momentum Habit Tracker App Review by Productivityist.
Momentum Habit Tracker Pricing
Momentum is available as a free download and is supported by in-app purchases, which start at $1.99 and go all the way to $14.99.
Download Momentum Habit Tracker
Momentum is available for iOS, Apple Watch and MacOS.
This app is not available for Android, Web or Windows desktop PCs.