HabitHub is based on Seinfield's productivity method - Don't break the chain.
The design of the app makes it really easy to get an overview of all your tracked habits and your progress with each of those habits for the current week. Tap into any habit to see your performance for the entire month.
HabitHub's reminders work really great, taking advantage of Android built-in action buttons to a notification. Thanks to that, you can simply swipe down on your notifications shade and mark a habit as done, skip, or fail in one tap.
Perhaps the best part about the app is the ability to add home screen widgets, which let you review your current habits performance at a glance.
Loop is one of the most popular free habit tracking apps, with its Android app clocking millions of downloads.
Loop is different from other apps in that it is open source. Its Github repository is available for anyone to fork and modify to their satisfaction, thereby allowing people with technical chops to make the app their own.
But Loop works great out of the box. It's got an extremely simple habit tracking interface where you can view all your habits at a glance, see how you performed in the last few days, and easily mark a habit as done, missed or skipped using taps and long-press actions.
The app also has cool analytics that lets you visualize your progress over time. What's especially great is the calendar view, which shows you at a glance which days of the month you performed or missed your habit.
All the data in the app can be easily exported as a CSV or a SQLite database file. You own your data completely.
HabitHub for Android scores an ok 3.9 rating. See latest reviews.
Loop for Android scores an excellent 4.6 rating. See latest reviews.
Must read: A short review of Loop Habit Tracker on steemit.
HabitHub is available for free and supported by in-app purchases that cost between $0.99 to $5.99.
Loop is a completely free app. It is also available as an open-source repository on Github.
HabitHub is available for Android.
This app is not available for Android, Web, MacOS or Windows desktop PCs.
Loop is available for Android.
This app is not available for iOS, Web, MacOS or Windows desktop PCs.
Looking for other habit tracker apps? Check out our curated list of alternatives to either apps.
A simple habit tracker app that helps you do more, by doing less.